My works
Shop NowKnown and unknown buildings, from different historical periods, become the protagonists of a story that goes past our conception of real and unreal.
Starting from real elements, decontextualizing them, surreal is composed. It can be serious and...
GET SOME SWEETSWalk around the city, stop for a moment and listen...
What customers think.Barbara G.BeautifulVery nice piece of art. We are very happy about it. Details and colors are great. Thank you.
Marie Claire Maison"Famous buildings immersed in metaphysical scenarios. Stefano Canziani's artworks offer imaginary skylines, which Marie Claire Maison has declined in a design view"
Andrea M.I purchased the work "The Evolution of Italian Civilization" in 70x70 format. More beautiful live than online. Excellent print quality and flawless packaging. Extremely beautiful! Thanks again and congratulations. AM
Davide P.Bisiluro and JengaporeHere they are, arrived and hanging in the living room! Thanks to Stefano for his beautiful works!